A Few Words
About Us
A Few Words About Us
The project started with the building of a primary school in the rural village of Chiluzi, Dedza in the central region of Malawi
The school opened in Sept 2007 with a roll of 750 pupils, 8 classrooms – Standard 1 to Standard 8. At that time there were 8 teachers. Today there are 25 teachers and 2500 pupils.
The school was supported almost exclusively by myself, my husband and our families. We funded the building of the school and have supported its ongoing development ever since.
The school was named in honour of my late mother, Nora Docherty, who died in 2005.
During the year 2014 – 2015, it became very apparent that the sustainability of the project was under threat given adverse economic and environmental circumstances in Malawi (drought, crop failure) impacting on the project.
The scale of need within the community in particular, required the project to obtain formal charitable status. This would result in a widening of the donor base and an increase in financial resources available to the project.
It was also apparent that the issues confronting the wider community were at the heart of the success of education in the area.
There are no silver bullets and there is no magic wand. There are no real quick fixes and all of our interventions require to be thought through carefully without us being too judgemental on culture, heritage and traditions. Our interventions require to be effective to the betterment of the community at large.
Charitable status was achieved in August 2015 and the Nora Docherty Charitable Foundation was born
The new logo was designed by my great nieces from Aberdeen – Sophie Hannah and Sashka Petrovski.
Superimposed onto the map of Malawi:-
NDCF – Nora Docherty Charitable Foundation
The Jacaranda Tree – a beautiful tree which blossoms in Malawi in September each year
The Elephant and Castle – the symbol of Dumbarton, since the charity originated in that town.
Contact details for information on the charity
Email: [email protected]