Secondary Education
Secondary Education
A secondary state education in Malawi is only available to those children from Standard 8 who pass the National Examination with very good grades.
There are so many students after so few places, therefore Private Schools can afford to accept only the brightest and the best. It has always been our intention to promote girls secondary education. Recalling the words of James Emman Kwegyir Aggrey, the African Missionary and teacher who said:-
“The surest way to keep people down is to educate a man and neglect a woman. If you educate a man you simply educate an individual, but if you educate a woman you educate a whole nation”.
However, in an endeavour not to discriminate against boys, our board decided to put forward our best boys for selection. We presented 4 girls for interviews and entrance examinations for ‘Girls on the Move’ Private Secondary Boarding School for Girls and 3 boys for interviews and entrance examinations for ‘St John’s Private Boarding School for Boys. All 3 boys secured a place and 3 out of the 4 girls secured a place. A fantastic achievement! If you wish to sponsor or part sponsor a child for private secondary education please contact us to discuss or send an email to the charity.