Primary Education

Primary Education

The current roll of the Primary School is 2500 children, 1153 girls and 1347 boys. The Education System in Malawi is supported by Government but it is not compulsory for children to attend school.

The Curriculum consists of 6 areas:

  • English
  • Maths
  • Chichewa (the Language of Malawi)
  • Social and Religious Studies
  • Primary Sciences
  • Arts and Life Skills

We now have 7 teaching blocks with 15 classrooms and currently 25 teachers 15 male and 10 female. There is now 17 teachers houses built on the Campus. In partnership with Mary’s Meals all children receive a nutritious daily meal in this place of learning.  The mug of fortified porridge – likuri phala, a maize porridge is often the only meal a child will receive in any given day.

The charity provides tangible support to the school through the provision of:

  • A school uniform for every child
  • School resources including jotters, pencils, pens and textbooks.
  • A large treated mosquito net for the Standard 1 children
  • Football and Netball strips
  • Sports equipment for football, netball, volleyball and two table tennis tables.

There has been significant improvement around the academic record of the area and the school is the best performing school in the Greater Dedza Conurbation.