

On Wednesday 18th May 2016, Mama Nora’s Nursery School was formally opened in the vlllage of Chiluzi.  One hundred children will attend this place of education 7:30 am – 11:30 am, five days per week.

The opening day was a day of great joy for all who live in the community and was attended by the nursery children, pupils from the primary school, teachers, village leaders, tribal chiefs, representatives from the Education Authority and the local church.

Also in attendance was the countries Mary’s Meals regional manager, who oversees the feeding programmes on our campus. Two teachers and two assistants are employed at the Nursery on a full-time basis. Educational resources and wallcharts have been provided for the two classrooms. All children receive two nutritious meals per day. Sunshine porridge for breakfast (provided in partnership with Mary’s Meals). For lunch Nsima and vegetables grown and harvested from our very own school gardens. A boiled egg is also provided for the children.

Recent Developments at the Nursery

  • Construction of a nursery play area / playground
  • Bench sets to seat the children at mealtimes
  • The children now enjoy their meals protected from the sun or rain by the new shelter.
  • Landscaping to include a security wall and gate around the nursery campus